Terry's Equine Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions are 100% tax-deductible. EIN 85-4380824
When you click the Donate button below, you will be connected to PayPal, where you can either select the amount you’d like to donate. If you would like to make this a monthly donation, please just check the box.
With new horses coming in, we do have a wish list of items that you can assist with. Purchased items can be dropped off at the barn.
Halters (horse sized)
Lead Ropes (with and without chains)
Muck Tubs for paddock water
Stall Grain buckets (corner feeder or rubber ground feeder)
Vitamin E Softgels
With the rising cost of hay, please consider "buying a bale" to support the cost of feed. On average, these 5 horses are eating between 40-42 bales of hay per week. Your $5.00 donation will go directly to helping to cover the cost of the bales of hay eaten per week.
Assist with the cost of farm calls, shots, and teeth cleaning by making a targeted donation that will go directly to pay for the medical needs of the TEF horses!
Play a role in the hoof health of our horses by assisting with the cost of the farrier.
Please like, share, and review our FB page. Tell your friends and family. Spread the word. As we grow, we will be looking for TEF Ambassadors and volunteers and are excited to meet folks who are as passionate about slowing the auction pipeline as we are.
Your donation will help us to continue our mission of supporting our community. Every dollar counts and will make a difference in the lives of those we serve.
Join our team of volunteers and make a difference in your community. Whether you can give a few hours a week or a few hours a month, your time and skills are appreciated.
We host a variety of events throughout the year, including fundraisers, community outreach events, and educational seminars. Check out our calendar to see what's coming up.
Stay up-to-date on all the latest news and happenings at Terry's Equine Foundation by following us on social media. We're active on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
We're always looking for new partners to collaborate with on projects and events. If your organization shares our values and mission, let's work together to make a positive impact.
Help us raise awareness of our mission and programs by sharing our website, social media pages, and events with your friends, family, and colleagues.
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